Tuinhout Discount was founded 15 years ago, splitting from the family company. They started with one physical shop in Ter Aar and opened their first webshop – – in 2010. Since 2010, the percentage of  customers visiting the webshop has increased massively.

In 2017 became one of the first Dutch companies to shift to Magento 2. From there the company grew rapidly, posting a record growth of 600% between 2017 and now. Thus, making one of the market leaders in their segment.

Tuinhout Discount joined Hello Retail to gain an advantage over the competitors in the market as well as increasing their performance.

By joining the growing family of stores that use Hello Retail, Tuinhout Discount was enabled in creating a smoother and more intuitive customer journey that enabled their users but also increased the Average Order Value and their Conversion Rate.

Read more in the case study to see how this happened.

Where in this awesome growth journey does Hello Retail fit in? Looks like you are doing great on your own?

“Tuin Hout Discount had two challenges – increase conversion rate and more importantly, increase average order size. This was the moment Hello Retail came into place. They offered solutions to show the right products at the right time. Which resulted in a higher conversion and higher average order value.

The fact that Hello Retail was willing to guarantee minimal results gave us an even better feeling and the confidence to step on the train.”

The result

So how about those guarantees? Are they holding up to the expectations?

I will just show you the numbers, then you can see on your own. It is absolutely amazing. We have a conversion increase of more than 400% and the main goal Average Order Value is up with 145%

So do I recommend Hello Retail? 100% the company to go with.

Thus, making one of the market leaders in their segment.

jorik van der heide

Jorik van der Heide

E-commerce Manager


Average order value uplift