A satisfied customer is the best strategy of all

Here’s what some of our customers say about us

Girl user blog
Simon Wahlgren COO Teknikproffset

Simon Wahlgren

Co-founder & COO

Company | Teknikproffset

“Convenient and precise”

Since switching to Hello Retail in 2017, we have enjoyed the benefits of efficient solutions for Teknikproffset and excellent service. The search engine on our site runs fast and accurately – a crucial feature for our customers to quickly find the products they need. We also opted for Hello Retail’s Recommendations, which proved to be efficient in raising our conversion rates.

Among the various solutions we’ve explored, Hello Retail stood out as the most convenient and precise, outperforming competitors.

The performance we’ve witnessed to this day gives us confidence in our ongoing collaboration.

robert osterberg thumbnail

Robert Österberg

Head of Marketing

Company | DPJ Workspace

“Saving tons of man-hours”

Today we have over 300 categories and 6000+ active products. Before we started to work with Pages from Hello Retail, we had to go into every single category and manually select the position of each product.

Doing it that way was an extremely manual task and took a lot of hours, and we could never get it done.

After investing in Pages, we now have complete control of our categories, and the customer is presented with relevant products based on their behavioural data.
Besides having full control, we are saving tons of man-hours and have seen an increase in conversion rate and a decrease in bounce rate.

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Mads Norgaard

Mads Andersen

E-commerce Manager

Company | Cykelexperten

“We invest a few hours”

We invest a few hours every second months, just to go through numbers and agree on where Hello Retail will focus next. In return we profit significantly better.

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Thank you!