Professional Search

Klockia Macbook

Utilizing a dynamic and professional search function on your webshop helps increase click-through-rate (CTR). Increasing CTR is #nextlevelecommerce! Klockia experienced this firsthand when they began using Hello Retail’s Search Function.

Klokia’s e-commerce manager, Mathias Kilman, explains, “At Klockia we experience that after using dynamic search from Hello Retail our click-through-rate have gone from 16,4% to 27,8% in a short period of time. Our personal contact from Hello Retail are present and helpful when needed.”

Read more about how our search function helped Klockia increase their CTR.


The professional search

“Being in a very competitive industry, we wanted to invest further into optimizing our Personalization of the customer journey. Hello Retail has been a longterm partner of ours and based on our in-depth site analytics, we decided to upgrade our Intelligent Search provided by Hello Retail to increase the impact on the general conversion rate.

Klockia has a significant level of visitors using the Search function but there was room for improvement when looking at the conversion rate.

Klockia has a lot of different product parameters and product data which Hello Retail believed could be used more actively in the product search.

We decided to upgrade our Search to their Professional solution including filters which had a significant impact on both the CTR, the conversion rate, and the average order size.”

Mathias Kilman, E-commerce ansvarig

Klockia browser mockup

With filters vs. Without filters





2,974.5 SEK

Order size

Timeperiod 15.10.19 – 15.11.19





2,911.14 SEK

Order size

Timeperiod 14.09.19 – 14.10.19

Mathias Kilman Klockia

“At Klockia we experience that after using dynamic search from Hello Retail our click-through-rate have gone from 16,4% to 27,8% in a short period of time. Our personal contact from Hello Retail are present and helpful when needed.”

Mathias Kilman, E-commerce manager, Klockia