Next-Level E-commerce

Black Friday + Retention=Profit

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Black Friday + Retention= Profit.

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Black Friday + Retention=Profit

Black Friday is all about Retention and you should focus more on using your efforts into the after-game strategy but that does not mean you can just sell your products at huge losses.

We will dive into this with Frederik Boysen as he showcases his platform and explains the seriousness of being profitable before under, and after, those big discount periods.


This is what you get

  • Introduction
  • Profitmetrics – How to achieve the highest possible profit  by using your profit as the driving parameter.
  • Hello Retail – how to use retention as the key strategy when going into Sales periods.
  • Joint feature – How to focus on Profit both before under and after Black Friday
  • How to get started today!
  • Q&A
Frederik Boysen Profitmetrics

Frederik Boysen

CEO @ Logo 1

Serial Entrepreneur, specialist in
E-commerce Optimization, former
e-commerce owner

ProfitMetrics helps mature e-commerce shops target and nurture their profit base in relation to their marketing activities with cutting-edge technology.

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We are a Fully Managed solution that helps grow your sales

We serve your webshop through our automated technology and personal service. We believe in being customer-centric, generating new business for our customers through our technology, data, and service. 

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During 2020/2021 Hello Retail will host a series of webinars along with market leaders, SaaS solutions and prominent agencies in the digital space with the purpose of delivering relevant content and tips to help e-commerce stores reach their fullest potential.